Most of us feel safe staying within the lines and within the constructs of our own lane. What if you allowed yourself to push your edges a bit and went "there" to the edges in your sensitive and/or Projector business? Human Design Gate 15 can inspire us all to do this. While some of us are inconsistent with this gift, others are here to get extreme and come back to share their lessons.
Tap into your intuition. What would be absolutely amazing to do in your business that some may call extreme? Hmmmm, what would it take to go there? Maybe you even go half way there(: If that sounds scary or crazy, imagine what you could bring back as lessons for your clients. When we lean in, everyone benefits. There's a little caveat must come from a place of an intuitive YES and NOT from a place of just doing it to get a reaction.
Think about it. Ponder this. And or those that are the daring...go for it and come back to share with me. Listen to Gate 15's audio here to get inspired.
Human Design Gate 15 transits the Sun from June 19th-June 26th(ish). When the sun transits this Gate (our gifts, expressions, parts of us) we are all given the opportunity to feel this energy more consistently and stronger. We are all gifted growth with this aspect of us.
We all embody all the parts of the Human Design chart. Where we are white, we feel that gift/part inconsistently and in a variety of ways. When the Sun transits this Gate OR if someone around us has it defined, we can amplify that energy. Where we have it defined, we feel/experience it consistently and vibrate that energy out into the world for those with it white to take in. It is our gift to vibrate out.
If you have this Gate defined in your Sun, Earth, or it is colored two colors in your chart, you really want to make this Gate your curriculum. Get my audio workshop here. This workshop is for ALL of us really because we all can learn from this gift.

Gate 15 is the Gate of Extremes
This energy is all about learning to love your own rhythms even when they are extreme...own them, march to the beat of your own drum.
You're here to accept other people's extremes too. Heal this. Don't judge this because you're judging yourself.
-you have this gift of exploring the edges and extremes and bringing your insights back to us
-work on healing the pattern of beating yourself up for not following the rhythms of others
-disrupt old patterns and be the inspiration we all need to do the same
Think about this idea of going to extremes from an intuitive YES this week. What comes up? Please share with me my friend!

To become beYOUtifully self aware and gain massive clarity in your business and life as a sensitive and/or Projector to achieve the success you so rightfully are worthy of, I invite you to learn more about my in depth Intuitive Human Design Readings here.