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Maybe its time to focus on the small details in business...insight for my sensitive and Projector friends

My Human Design Projector friends-do you love focusing on the little things? Maybe you can recall cool facts that some may find pointless. Or, Maybe you struggle with focusing on the small details and that is a challenge for you. This week as the sun transits Human Design Gate 62, as Sensitive women and Projectors, we're all here to remember the power of focusing on the small details not only in business but life.

Human Design Gate 62 transits the Sun from July 13th-July 18th(ish). When the sun transits this Gate (our gifts, expressions, parts of us) we are all given the opportunity to feel this energy more consistently and stronger. We are all gifted growth with this aspect of us.

We all embody all the parts of the Human Design chart. Where we are white, we feel that gift/part inconsistently and in a variety of ways. When the Sun transits this Gate OR if someone around us has it defined, we can amplify that energy. Where we have it defined, we feel/experience it consistently and vibrate that energy out into the world for those with it white to take in. It is our gift to vibrate out.

If you have this Gate defined in your Sun, Earth, or it is colored two colors in your chart, you really want to make this Gate your curriculum. Get my audio workshop hereThis workshop is for ALL of us really because we all can learn from this gift.

Human Design Gate 62

Gate 62 is the gift of details and logic.  

This energy is designed to share what you think and name logical patterns and ideas.

You select, organize and plan details of complex concepts and are gifted and sharing them when you are present enough to pay attention to the small details.


-good at spotting and explaining concepts

-it is all about the small details

-may remember random facts

-its about staying present in the moments and not letting over planning take you down

This week or if this is defined in your chart, can you play with focusing on the small details without getting sucked into and obsessing over the big things? Can you share what you do know in your own logical way? Can you embrace this and heal the doubt surrounding it? When you allow this gift, and follow what interests you (and your Authority), it will always lead you to the person/people that needs to hear what you have to say at the perfect with it and let me know what comes through.

Enjoy this story while you're at it friend:

In the bustling streets of the vibrant city, there lived a young woman named Mia. Born and raised in the fast-paced city life, Mia was a driven, intelligent, and determined individual. She thrived on logic, organization, and meticulously planned her every move, both personally and professionally. This was her gift…she was “the logical one who always had the perfect words to say.” She focused on the details. 

Mia had built a successful career as a marketing executive, where her talent for organizing and explaining facts and analyzing data made her an invaluable asset. However, beneath her confident exterior, Mia yearned for something more—a deeper connection, spontaneity, and the ability to trust the universe's flow. She was exhausted of the pressure to say the perfect words and often found herself over planning and it was leading to burnout. Focusing on the details was now hard for her.

One day, as Mia hurriedly walked to work amidst a sea of suits and towering skyscrapers, she stumbled upon a quaint little café tucked away on a side street. Entranced by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, she impulsively decided to step inside and momentarily escape the chaos of her workday.

As she sipped her oat milk latte, Mia noticed a small bookstore nestled across the road. Curiosity sparked within her, drawing her toward the store's open doors. Inside, she discovered shelves lined with books, a comforting smell of ink and paper permeating the air.

Among the shelves, Mia's eyes fell upon a book with a striking blue cover: "Embracing the Unknown: Trusting Your Flow in a Busy World." Intrigued, she picked it up and began flipping through the pages. Each page revealed stories of individuals who had learned to let go of their need for over planning and embrace the natural ebbs and flows of life which were made up of small details she often overlooked.

Something inside Mia resonated deeply with the tales she read. She realized that amidst her meticulous planning and her knack for explaining things with understandable logic, she had inadvertently become blocked, missing out on the beauty of impromptu moments and genuine connections where she could presently pick up on the details which authentically would help her share her gifts of logic.

Determined to infuse her everyday logical life with trust and spontaneity, Mia embarked on a journey of self-discovery. She began by consciously letting go of excessive planning, embracing the idea that she would know what to say when the time was right when she stayed present in the little things…I mean after all, she’s the most logical girl she knew!!

In her professional life, Mia relinquished her tight grip on control, allowing herself to trust her instincts and collaborate more openly with her colleagues. She let go of the need to always have a over detailed plan and discovered that by embracing more of a natural present flow of projects, creative ideas blossomed, and successful campaigns were born.

As Mia grew more comfortable with embracing the flow, she noticed changes in her personal life as well. She started attending social events without overanalyzing her every word or move. Conversations became more effortless, heartfelt, and she began to forge genuine connections with diverse individuals she encountered along the way. She stopped going home so mentally exhausted too.

Through her newfound trust and willingness to be present, Mia discovered hidden talents within herself—ones that were overshadowed by her need for structure and control. She began exploring hobbies she had long neglected, such as painting and writing, finding joy in creativity and self-expression.

Word of Mia's transformation spread throughout her social circle and beyond. Friends, colleagues, and even strangers took notice of her newfound radiance and authenticity. Inspired by her example, they too began to let go, embracing the flow of their own lives and trusting that they could stay present where the REAL details are.

Mia's journey had, in turn, triggered a collective wake up call—a reminder to all those caught up in the whirlwind of city life, that there was magic in ALSO embracing the present, trusting the flow, and relinquishing the need to over plan. It was through this surrender that they truly began to find themselves, their purpose, and a life less confined by boundaries.

And so, Mia's story became a catalyst, a beacon of hope for all who dared to step off the well-beaten logical path (even just a little) and discover the wonders that awaited when they learned to trust in the flow of their lives to support their logical gifts.



Kelly Joseph Intuitive wellBEing Guide

To become beYOUtifully self aware and gain massive clarity in your business and life as a sensitive and/or Projector to achieve the success you so rightfully are worthy of, I invite you to learn more about my in depth Intuitive Human Design Readings here.

My year long program House of Light, Love and Human Design will slow you down and help you create a focus for each week and each month including this Gate. Learn more here.


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