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Being an influential leader in your business and life as a Projector and/or Highly Sensitive.

Wouldn't it be great to just BE a Projector and/or Highly sensitive and have this effortless way about you that leads and is listened to? It is possible to be an influential leader in your business and life as a Projector and/or Sensitive. Human Design Gate 31 is a gift and energy we can all play with and learn from to achieve this. Some of us are actually here to shine this and BE this gift consistently and some of us dip in and out.

Let's dive deeper...

Human Design Gate 31 transits the Sun from July 24th-July 29th(ish). When the sun transits this Gate (our gifts, expressions, parts of us) we are all given the opportunity to feel this energy more consistently and stronger. We are all gifted growth with this aspect of us.

We all embody all the parts of the Human Design chart. Where we are white, we feel that gift/part inconsistently and in a variety of ways. When the Sun transits this Gate OR if someone around us has it defined, we can amplify that energy. Where we have it defined, we feel/experience it consistently and vibrate that energy out into the world for those with it white to take in. It is our gift to vibrate out.

If you have this Gate defined in your Sun, Earth, or it is colored two colors in your chart, you really want to make this Gate your curriculum. Get my audio workshop here.This workshop is for ALL of us really because we all can learn from this gift.

Human Design Gate 31

Gate 31 is the Gate of Influence

This gift is designed to be influential.

It is the gift of providing the vision and then humbly showing and helping others achieve their part instead of doing it for them.

This is the gift of leading with service.

-when you authentically serve, you're influential without even trying

-you listen and learn from your people

-natural leadership energy

-needs to be recognized to have influence

-visionary who creates the future with others

What kinds of things do you love authentically? Let yourself love those things and naturally share. Lead by sharing and living out this authenticity. Remember that being a leader and showing influential leadership doesn't mean you think you're better. If that belief runs the show, rewire your brain to remember that kindness and leadership can coexist.



Intuitive Projector Guide

To become beYOUtifully self aware and gain massive clarity in your business and life as a sensitive and/or Projector to achieve the success you so rightfully are worthy of, I invite you to learn more about my in depth Intuitive Human Design Readings here.

My year long program House of Light, Love and Human Design will slow you down and help you create a focus for each week and each month including this Gate. Learn more here.


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