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Tell the story in your Projector and/or Sensitive business

Do you cut yourself off or dull your stories with your clients, potential clients and followers? This week is a reminder to enrich your life and those around you with your story in your Projector and/or Sensitive business. We need your unique take and personal touch! Don't for one minute believe the idea that your business has to lack a personal flair! Gosh I am so darn sick of anyone saying we must leave our stories and personal experiences more.

My sensitive solopreneur friend...the amount of courses, workshops and certifications I have taken that have contributed to me doubting if I should share my personal touch is sad. Ultimately, me listening to the noise STOPPED me from just being ME and sharing who I am along the way in my business. It stunted me.

I love Gate 56 because it reminds me to share my stories with enthusiasm, pride and BIGness. They hold value to those that resonate. I don't have Gate 56 defined in my Human Design Chart but I sure to resonate with it. This week I will be really playing with it's wisdom.

Human Design Gate 56 transits the Sun from July 19th-July 23rd(ish). When the sun transits this Gate (our gifts, expressions, parts of us) we are all given the opportunity to feel this energy more consistently and stronger. We are all gifted growth with this aspect of us.

We all embody all the parts of the Human Design chart. Where we are white, we feel that gift/part inconsistently and in a variety of ways. When the Sun transits this Gate OR if someone around us has it defined, we can amplify that energy. Where we have it defined, we feel/experience it consistently and vibrate that energy out into the world for those with it white to take in. It is our gift to vibrate out.

If you have this Gate defined in your Sun, Earth, or it is colored two colors in your chart, you really want to make this Gate your curriculum. Get my audio workshop here.This workshop is for ALL of us really because we all can learn from this gift.

Gate 56 Human Design

Gate 56 is the Gate of Stimulation

This energy is gifted with teaching using metaphors and exaggeration to get the message across.

This is the gift of sharing stories as enrichment to help others understand their experience on this planet.

This is not logic but your take on the facts of life.

-gifted at storytelling

-wait to be invited to share

-you inspire the world with your words...share from a place of expansion

-take note of the stories you continue to share...are they high vibe or are you the victim?

Play with this my friend and then share what comes through with me.

So much love,


Kelly Joseph Intuitive wellBEing Guide to Projectors and HSPs

To become beYOUtifully self aware and gain massive clarity in your business and life as a sensitive and/or Projector to achieve the success you so rightfully are worthy of, I invite you to learn more about my in depth Intuitive Human Design Readings here.

My year long program House of Light, Love and Human Design will slow you down and help you create a focus for each week and each month including this Gate. Learn more here.


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